Game of the Week: Binding of Isaac Rebirth


So I am starting a new weekly blog post called the Game of the Week. Where it is not really a full review but just an update on what game I am playing and my thoughts on it. So because of this a game might repeat or the game of the week might not even be a good one, just something I am currently playing or very interested in.

Binding of Isaac Rebirth is a game that is a semi remake/sequel to The Binding of Isaac. Saying a remake is wrong because it is so different but saying a sequel is wrong because it is really more of an expansion or an add on but it is a whole separate game.

It is a randomly generated rogue like dungeon esque game with bullet hell elements. Where you play as a boy named Isaac, whose mother is trying to kill him. She hears a voice from god and decides to sacrifice you to him, so you escape into the basement, or symbolically you escape into escapism. There are a seemingly infinite number of items and power ups, also it is the first game in a long time to have real secrets, that even with the internet I did not have spoiled for me.


I swear you can unlock him! My friend said!

Edmund McMillen is known for his indie games that have high peaks of difficulty but to me he is most well known for his ability to give as little concrete story as possible while giving you a world that is continuing to be fleshed out and twisted. In Rebirth you have to ask is anything really happening is mom bad, is Isaac true, are the other characters real? Things like that. The game is much deeper than you would think just by looking at it and that is by the terrific game design.

Honestly I can’t put it down, I find myself with moments of down time between work or class and I will just turn it on out of instinct basically.

I think this is the best indie game of the year and the best rogue like game of the generation. Hands down.

Besides if you play your cards right something like this can happen.



So I say pick it up. Go deeper into the basement, find the trapdoors, and discover what it means to be god and satans favored child.

Happy Collecting.